Starting Small... Booking a Core Band that Can Expand
Decision making doesn't have to be stressful when it comes to hiring musicians for your wedding. Bnds can book up fast - simplify your wedding timeline and stick to your budget by booking your core band now and leaving the details for later.

Valentine’s Day Wedding
What’s more romantic than a Valentine’s Day themed wedding? Erin & Ken got married one year ago and we wanted to highlight their gorgeous celebration at the Liberty Wharf Hotel by showing you floral, catering, stationary and more highlights.

Kelly & Eric
For best friends and partners in life Kelly & Eric, it’s all about good timing. Read about their gorgeous wedding soundtrack at The Stonewall Estate.

4 Elegant Comfort Foods for Your Next Event
Want to make your guests feel comfortable and refined? Here are a few of our favorite finger foods we saw this wedding season.

Q&A with Event Specialist Amanda
Got questions about your upcoming wedding or event? Event Specialist Amanda is here to tell you her top planning tips.

The Benefits of a Friday or Sunday Wedding
Say no to stressful Saturdays, and hello to Friday and Sunday weddings. Why brunchy, boozy, long weekends are here to stay.

A Foolproof Wedding Music Formula
Wedding music and genres broken down by the hour - that means ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception. We’ve got the formula that will please your family AND you.